Saturday, September 22, 2007

40 Kinds of Sadness

This marks the 9th post for the 9th month of the year.

However, be it a special post, it is a saddening one though, just like all the other posts in this bloggie.

Hmm, I lost something valuable, not in it's measures of pricing.

But valuable to me in some other way, sentimentally mind you.

Couldn't imagine it being lost as I kept it so close to me all the time.

How close? It's strapped to my phone damn it.

And to thought that one day it would go missing just makes me wonder what a fool I would be. Guess that's what happened now. Sighs.

How could I have been so careless?
How could I be so unattentive?

Sighs, guess it's my fault that the teddy's gone.

Oh gosh, wish I could just rewind everything and keep it in my pocket.


I'm awfully pissed right now, rather sad too.
Sighs, of all things to go missing, why does it have to be that?

Arrrggghhh, I need help !


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