Sunday, August 17, 2008


The girlfriend has been a pig today. Some what of 14 hours of sleep, then again, it's much needed sleep on her part, considering that she doesn't sleep much during college days. Today has been rather wasted, as usual. Woke up, got myself a hair-cut (it's so short!), watched Failure to Launch on DVD and here I am now, stoning. Sniffles.

The girlfriend is having her "therapy" session in which she'll end up with dark circles all over her body, but no matter, I still love her just as much. <3

I think I smell pretty bad, considering I haven't showered since morning, but yeah, I'm too lazy to even get a shower sometimes. Oh well, I guess I should head to the bathroom sooner rather than later. But knowing me, the latter would always be chosen.

Tomorrow is the 18th, meaning four would be a lucky number in my book. High School Musical on Ice as well with the girlfriend tomorrow. Baby, bring Skittles! Twinkles is so emo-ing. Haha.

I should really get a shower now. I stink. Pfft. Byes.

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